Remedial Massage
Not your usual massage clinic...
Because mental, emotional & physical are so entwined, we use a variety of massage techniques plus dry needling, aromatherapy and cupping to provide a holistic, stress reducing experience.
Remedial massage addresses muscular issues and/or chronic pain. It can stimulate blood & lymphatic circulation, make joints more mobile and help to repair damaged tissue. Your therapist will aim to balance the length, tone and tension of muscles and tendons, which restores the correct position of joints.
Techniques can include Deep Tissue, Trigger Point release, myofascial release, sports massage, dry needling, taping, stretching.
The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.
~ Anthony Robbins
How Remedial Massage works
1. Welcome!
First, your massage therapist will greet you in Reception Land, and bring you through to the treatment room.
Then, they'll ask you some questions regarding why you've booked in and try to narrow down where/what is causing the pain, stiffness or discomfort.
2. Massage
Your massage therapist will then provide instructions, before leaving the room for you to remove clothing & lie on the table and relax. Take a few deep breaths!
Your therapist will then return, and depending on your needs start your massage treatment.
3. Aftercare
After your massage, you'll be left alone to redress and provided instructions on what you can do to improve your results. This may involve ice/heat packs, stretches or other, depending on your situation.
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