Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question not answered on this page? Contact us here, or open a chat with us below.
Short answer = NO you do not need a referral to see us. Get in touch here to book your appointment. All we need from you is your name, contact details and some information about what is happening for you to seek our help.
If you have been referred by a friend or family member, please let us know! 95% of our clients are referred to us by other satisfied and happy clients and we love to thank them personally for the confidence and belief in us!
If you have had a car or work accident, are a member of veteran’s affairs or have been referred by your GP under an EPC arrangement, there may be paperwork required to help you in claiming your care. This paperwork will come from your GP, work place and or ICWA if not through your private health fund.
Absolutely – if you have chiropractic cover as part of your ancillary health you will be able to claim a portion of your consult fees dependent on the level of cover you have. Our team will show you how to quickly and efficiently claim back from your health fund depending if it is online or an app etc we can guide you on the best way forward.
We do require payment on the day of your visit please.
- Private health cards: if you have extras with your private health insurance that include Chiropractic then you can claim from your fund via either an app or online claiming. Our friendly team will show you how easy this is to do.
- Medicare: Ask your GP if you qualify for the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) program, you may be covered by Medicare for part of your Chiropractic care.
- Payments: We accept cash, Visa and MasterCard.
Our mission is to keep our Community and the families in it happy, healthy and thriving. Over 95% of our clients are referred by current and past (moved out of state yet still referring to us) clients that want to share their experiences with their loved ones.
Our aim is to see you as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that our first priority is your health so we aim to make sure that we don’t just “squeeze you in”, we prefer to be able to make a thorough assessment of your / your child’s situation to determine
1) if chiropractic care is appropriate in the first instance and;
2) if there are any further tests / imaging / referrals required before we can provide care.
Our ideal is that you actually attend the appointments that have been scheduled for you so that you benefit from this time, but we understand unforeseen circumstances arise so if you are unable to attend a prearranged appointment we ask you to give us 48 hours notice so that we can give your time to another person who is in urgent need of seeing a Chiropractor.
We know that you will appreciate it when someone else also gives us the same courtesy so that we can help you in need!
Chiropractic FAQ
Put simply, if you have a spine and nervous system then yes! You can benefit from Chiropractic Care!
Everyday life presents different challenges for your body. Especially repetitive tasks and working on a computer all day that create movement patterns that may not be in your best interest. Chiropractic Care is designed to help you gently realign when things get out of balance, which can relieve pain, restore health and improve your overall quality of life.
Chiropractic Care is both a therapy to help alleviate acute pain, and to provide on-going preventative support for your nervous system. Whatever your needs are, we will tailor a program to suit your beautifully unique body
Our main aim for your first visit is for you to feel relief and hope – to know that you are in the right place and you have put your trust in the right hands.
Your first visit is all about finding out why you are seeking help, how is your pain/symptom affecting your life? What are your goals? As this will allow us to determine the best tests to undertake so we can give you our best advice moving forward.
Your first appointment may or may not involve any adjustments. This depends on your situation.
Hopefully NOT! (We don’t like to think we “manipulate” anyone) – Jokes aside let’s look at what we do:
Chiropractor’s actually “adjust” (also known as a spinal manipulation) spinal and extremity joints either by using our hands (this can be as light as the pressure you would use in testing a ripe tomato and or touching your eyeball (hopefully with your eyelid closed) and or as heavy as a thrust that makes the “cracking” noise that some clients seek and love and others cringe at), small instruments, tables etc.
The goals is to correct structural alignment of the joint which allows better information from your nerves that control that joint and send feedback to the brain from that joint and the muscles around, therefore improving how that particular joint and the body as a whole functions.
Quick answer = NO
Long answer = We believe that if you are seeing results with the therapies you are already pursuing our job is to help complement what you are already creating for yourself with your other therapists (whether it is a physio, personal trainer, massage therapist etc) and yes we actually want to talk to them and find out how best we can work together. We believe that every modality has it’s own purpose in helping you create a true wellness lifestyle, and who are we to tell you not to have something that you like? Our Utopian dream is that everyone will work together for your benefit as it is you that has come to see us and or your other therapists…we are not here for our personal gain (we will always have another client that can fill your space if you are looking at it from a business sense…but from a people-sense and a relationship-sense we belief treating you like a person that has a brain is probably more respectful than dictating to you that you can or cannot do something).
We respect other therapists and what they do and can see how what we offer can help create synergistic effects for you…we hope that the other therapists you see offer you and us the same respect…
So let us know what you are doing and we will support you and even be able to give you some more insights as to how what we do as a chiropractor or massage therapists or aromatherapist etc can help complement what you are already doing. For us it’s simple…if your nervous system is functioning optimally and your sensory and motor nerves are firing as they should then your brain will get much more quality information regarding joint position and muscle contraction so that whatever soft tissue work and or rehabilitation exercises your other therapists are doing with you will work even better in creating change – hence our idea of a team approach.
Our biggest premise is that the QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE is determine by the QUALITY OF THE QUESTIONS YOU ASK…. so please don’t let anyone but YOU decide what is right for you once you have examined all the evidence.
We love if you have questions and if you want clarification on anything we recommend and suggest. We will always make time to address this … whether it be in your appointment time (and or after hours if the appointment scheduled does not allow for this).
Baby Bowen & Paediatric Chiropractic Care FAQ
Parents are always searching for help/advice about kids health.
The WellKids program helps parents make informed choices about health care.
We utilise this program to allow us to:
- Perform detailed age specific examinations on every child, every time
- Monitoring and measuring health changes under chiropractic care
- Providing detailed and specific health reports and creating child specific care plans
- Setting health goals for children that the child (depending on age) and their parents can work towards
Remedial Massage FAQ
Your Massage Therapist will greet you in Reception Land and introduce them self. They will take you through to the treatment room and ask you to take a seat. They will ask you some questions regarding why you have booked for a massage and if you are experiencing any pain, stiffness or discomfort. They may perform some assessments to get an idea of what may be causing your symptoms and to determine what treatment might work best for you.
During the massage they will use a variety of massage techniques to assist in reducing your pain/discomfort/stiffness. You may fall asleep during your massage.
Either during the massage or after you have dressed your Massage Therapist will discuss a treatment plan with you.
Your Massage Therapist will give you directions around what clothing you will need to remove before getting onto the table and whether they need you to lay face up or face down.
Your massage Therapist will leave the room so you can get undressed and under the covers on the table. Please remember to keep your underwear on.
They will leave the room after the massage has finished to allow you to get dressed.
Most of our clients report feeling relaxed, feeling great and more mobile after their massage. While this may be the case, please note sometimes your level of hydration, stress and general toxicity can mean you may have a healing crisis where you feel tired, achey and out of sorts – even a bit headachy. This is a normal response of a body under stress and we will coach you through it.
Keeping up with your water intake over the next 24 hours will help to alleviate headaches.
Your muscles may feel tender if you have had Deep Tissue massage, Dry Needling orTrigger Point release done during your massage and this may last for a day or two. If this occurs you can use an ice pack to ease the tenderness.
Some people may develop some bruises after their massage if they are prone to easy bruising.Blood pressure medications, blood thinners and certain health conditions such as anaemia and lymphoedema may predispose you to bruising after massage.
If you have had cupping done during your massage you may have some circular bruising in the areas the cups have been applied.
Our Remedial Massage Therapists have been trained to give massages to women who are pregnant.
Massage can be very beneficial during pregnancy to assist with aching muscles, headaches, swollen feet and to assist with helping you sleep and relax.
We have pregnancy pillows available to use during your massage if you would like to be massaged lying face down.
If you have any complications with your pregnancy please discuss these with your Massage Therapist before your appointment as some pregnancy complications may be a contraindication for massage.
How long is a piece of string? In all seriousness how often you need a massage is dependent on whether your condition is acute or chronic, what your presenting condition is, whether you are receiving other forms of treatment such as Physiotherapy or Chiropractic therapy, what kind of lifestyle you have eg elite athletes may need more frequent massages to help with injury prevention/injury rehabilitation.
During your appointment your Massage Therapist will discuss a treatment plan with you if they feel it is appropriate. At the very least we always highly recommend a follow up session so we can assess how your body has changed, give you our best advice on how to look after yourself away from the tables and if warranted create a plan moving forward so you can achieve your goals.
- Please do not book a massage if you have a fever, diarrhoea/dysentery (other than IBS), infectious diseases such as Pneumonia, Chicken Pox, Measles etc or contagious skin infections
- If you have recently had a Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism, Stroke or Heart Attack you will need approval from your doctor to receive a massage.
- it is important that you advise your therapist of any health concerns or medical conditions prior to your treatment. This way your therapist can adjust the treatment to suit you. Even if you’re not sure, or if the injury you sustained was some time ago, it’s always best to inform the therapists as the more information they have the better.
- If you are pregnant, please let us know when making your booking.
- If you have recently had surgery – best to call us and we can advise when appropriate
We use a natural, water based oil. However, if you have sensitivity to certain types of oils or lotion please let your therapist know as we have alternative lotions available. Or in some instances, we have had clients bring their own and you are most welcome to do that as long as we know what it is and can make an informed choice to protect the health of our therapists.
Cupping is a technique where either glass, plastic or silicone suction cups are placed on areas of the body to assist with relieving tight, sore muscles.
Cupping can be done in either the Eastern Medicine or Western style. Our Remedial Massage Therapists use the Western style of cupping. This is done by placing plastic cups on areas of the body and drawing the air out of the cup using a reverse suction pump. The cups draw the tissue up into the cup. Your Massage Therapist may apply oil to your skin before using the cups and may slide the cups over your body part, this is called sliding cupping. They may also leave the cup on an area without moving the cup, this is called static cupping. They may also put you into a stretch or have you stretch while the cups are in place, this is called functional cupping.
Unlike traditional aromatherapy massage, the AromaTouch massage technique utilises 8 specific essential oils and blends to promote relaxation and stress relief, offers immune support, decreases pain and inflammation and elevates mood.
The essential oils are applied along energy meridians and on reflexology points to stimulate and promote homeostasis and bring balance in the body.
During a session the practitioner applies a series of oils and oil blends with a carrier oil to the back and feet using different hand techniques.
The oils and oil blends used are dōTERRA Balance®, Lavender, Tea Tree, dōTERRA On Guard®, AromaTouch®, Deep Blue®, Wild Orange, and Peppermint.
- Balance and Lavender are used for stress management.
- Tea Tree and On Guard for Immune Support.
- AromaTouch and Deep Blue for Inflammation
- Wild Orange and Peppermint to bring balance to both body and mind